Applause from Agudas Achim, Iowa City

Levin/Brown & Associates, synagogue architects, has just collaborated on the design of a sanctuary for Agudas Achim in Iowa City.   Synagogue leadership determined that local architects working with the project were unfamiliar with the spiritual and functional requirements for the sanctuary and realized they needed additional assistance on the design of other functional components for a modern synagogue.  They reached out to Levin/Brown and following an on site consultation were able to work with the committee and local architect to suggest changes to the general floor plan and to develop a concept for the sanctuary that met the congregations aesthetic, functional and budgetary requirements.

As the project now nears completion we received the following from one of the committee members.

Well, the synagogue is splendid.  We’re about 2 weeks to occupancy.  Most important, the sanctuary is absolutely magnificent!  The  natural light on the ark wall is awesome. The ark appears perched, stable and airy, like an eagle’s nest. Handsome. Unusual. Convincing.   Truly unique and appropriate. Beautiful.    I am so grateful that you were able to help us accomplish this, conceptually. We owe you, big time!   Word has it that you are brilliant!   Again, thank you for making this possible.

Pictures to follow in future blog.